

struct Population{T<:Conductor.AbstractCompartmentSystem}

A population (or small group) of neurons.

A Population is a lazy representation of neurons templated from a single model prototype. Iterating over a Population returns up to n uniquely-named copies of the prototype that are serially numbered and, optionally, namespaced. Parameter values of the replicate neurons can be individually defined by indexed assignment, or applied to the entire group via distributions.

  • neurons

  • popname: Base name of the population.

  • defs: Population defaults

  • stimuli: Stimuli applied to select neurons.

struct NeuronalNetworkSystem <: Conductor.AbstractNeuronalNetworkSystem

A network of neurons with synaptic connections.

  • eqs::Vector{Symbolics.Equation}

  • iv::Symbolics.Num: Independent variabe. Defaults to time, $t$.

  • states::Vector

  • ps::Vector

  • observed::Vector{Symbolics.Equation}

  • name::Symbol

  • systems::Vector{ModelingToolkit.AbstractTimeDependentSystem}

  • defaults::Dict

  • topology::NetworkTopology

  • reversal_map::Dict

  • extensions::Vector{ModelingToolkit.ODESystem}: Additional systems to extend dynamics. Extensions are composed with the parent system during conversion to ODESystem.
