

Conductor.jl builds neurobiological models in a bottom-up workflow, beginning with user-defined equations. Equations may be written using primitives–declared symbolic variables that represent physical quantities like voltage, current, ion concentrations, etc.

State dynamics in neurons are described predominately by gates, which convert arbitrary inputs into activation weights. A ConductanceSystem is comprised of one or more gates. Conductances combine the outputs of gates, producing a scalar quantity that can represent the permeability of ion channels, synaptic channels, and axial conductances between morphologically connected compartments.

Each conductance is associated with a CompartmentSystem. The properties of the parent compartment (for example, equilibrium potentials, membrane capacitance, and geometry) influence the magnitude of intracellular current produced by conductances.

Finally, connections between neurons can be explicitly defined with a NetworkTopology, which stores a multilayer graph representation of the neuronal network. A NeuronalNetworkSystem constructs and manages the equations that govern synaptic conductances between neurons.

Simple Two Neuron Simulation

Here's a quick copy-paste example of two synaptically coupled neurons with Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics:

using Conductor,  OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots, Unitful, ModelingToolkit
import Unitful: mV, mS, cm, µm, pA, nA, mA, µA, ms, nS, pS
import Conductor: Na, K

Vₘ = ParentScope(MembranePotential(-65mV))

nav_kinetics = [
         ifelse(Vₘ == -40.0, 1.0, (0.1*(Vₘ + 40.0))/(1.0 - exp(-(Vₘ + 40.0)/10.0))),
         4.0*exp(-(Vₘ + 65.0)/18.0), p = 3, name = :m)
         1.0/(1.0 + exp(-(Vₘ + 35.0)/10.0)), name = :h)]

kdr_kinetics = [
         ifelse(Vₘ == -55.0, 0.1, (0.01*(Vₘ + 55.0))/(1.0 - exp(-(Vₘ + 55.0)/10.0))),
         0.125 * exp(-(Vₘ + 65.0)/80.0),
         p = 4, name = :n)]

@named NaV = IonChannel(Sodium, nav_kinetics, max_g = 120mS/cm^2)
@named Kdr = IonChannel(Potassium, kdr_kinetics, max_g = 36mS/cm^2)
@named leak = IonChannel(Leak, max_g = 0.3mS/cm^2)

channels = [NaV, Kdr, leak];
reversals = Equilibria([Na => 50.0mV, K => -77.0mV, Leak => -54.4mV])
dynamics = HodgkinHuxley(channels, reversals)

@named holding_current = Bias(5000pA)
@named neuron1 = Compartment(Vₘ, dynamics;
                             geometry = Cylinder(radius = 25µm, height = 400µm),
                             stimuli = [holding_current]);
@named neuron2 = Compartment(Vₘ, dynamics;
                            geometry = Cylinder(radius = 25µm, height = 400µm))

# Synaptic model
Vₓ = ExtrinsicPotential()
syn∞ = 1/(1 + exp((-35 - Vₓ)/5))
τsyn = (1 - syn∞)/(1/40)
syn_kinetics = Gate(SteadyStateTau, syn∞, τsyn, name = :z)
EGlut = Equilibrium(Cation, 0mV, name = :Glut)
@named Glut = SynapticChannel(IntegratedSynapse(), Cation, [syn_kinetics]; max_s = 30nS);

topology = NetworkTopology([neuron1, neuron2], [Glut]);
topology[neuron1, neuron2] = Glut(30nS)
reversal_map = Dict([Glut => EGlut])

@named net = NeuronalNetworkSystem(topology, reversal_map)
total_time = 250
sim = Simulation(net, total_time*ms)

solution = solve(sim, Rosenbrock23())
plot(solution, idxs=[neuron1.Vₘ, neuron2.Vₘ])

Step-by-step explanation

We start by defining a primitive variable for voltage, Vₘ, which we'll use to write equations describing the kinetics of some Hodgkin-Huxley gating particles.

Vₘ = ParentScope(MembranePotential(-65mV))

Often the voltage- and time-dependent dynamics of ion channels are described in books and journal articles using forward, $\alpha$, and reverse, $\beta$, reaction rates:

\[\begin{aligned} \alpha(V_{m}) &= 0.1(V_{m}+40)/1-e^{-(V_{m}+40)/10} \\ \beta(V_{m}) &= 4e^{-(V_{m}+65)/18} \end{aligned}\]

To reproduce the math, we'll define a Gate and indicate the format of our equations with a trait, AlphaBeta. We'll also use an optional keyword argument, p, which sets the exponent of the resulting gating variable (for example, p = 3 to set $m^{3}$ as found in Hodgkin-Huxley-style Sodium channels).

# Fast Sodium channel kinetics
nav_kinetics = [
    # the activation gate, m
         ifelse(Vₘ == -40.0, 1.0, (0.1*(Vₘ + 40.0))/(1.0 - exp(-(Vₘ + 40.0)/10.0))),
         4.0*exp(-(Vₘ + 65.0)/18.0), p = 3, name = :m)
    # the inactivation gate, h
         1.0/(1.0 + exp(-(Vₘ + 35.0)/10.0)), name = :h)]

# Delayed rectifier Potassium kinetics
kdr_kinetics = [
    # the activation gate, n
         ifelse(Vₘ == -55.0, 0.1, (0.01*(Vₘ + 55.0))/(1.0 - exp(-(Vₘ + 55.0)/10.0))),
         0.125 * exp(-(Vₘ + 65.0)/80.0),
         p = 4, name = :n)]

There's a discontinuity in the original equations, so we use ifelse to avoid a divide-by-zero error.

Now that we've defined the gating variables, we can construct some ion channels and define a set of matching primitives representing equilibrium potentials for sodium, potassium, and non-specific leak current.

@named NaV = IonChannel(Sodium, nav_kinetics, max_g = 120mS/cm^2)
@named Kdr = IonChannel(Potassium, kdr_kinetics, max_g = 36mS/cm^2)
@named leak = IonChannel(Leak, max_g = 0.3mS/cm^2)
channels = [NaV, Kdr, leak];
reversals = Equilibria([Na => 50.0mV, K => -77.0mV, Leak => -54.4mV])

We also need to model current injection to stimulate spiking. We'll declare a new primitive current and use the resulting symbolic to write an equation describing what the value of the electrode current should be.

@named holding_current = Bias(5000pA)

Finally, we construct our two neurons, providing the holding current stimulus to neuron1, which will be our presynaptic neuron.

dynamics = HodgkinHuxley(channels, reversals)

@named neuron1 = Compartment(Vₘ, dynamics;
                             geometry = Cylinder(radius = 25µm, height = 400µm),
                             stimuli = [holding_current]);
@named neuron2 = Compartment(Vₘ, dynamics;
                            geometry = Cylinder(radius = 25µm, height = 400µm))

For our neurons to talk to each other, we'll need a model for a synaptic conductance. This time we'll use a model that's presented in a different form in the literature. A model of a glutamatergic excitatory synapse adapted from Prinz et al 2004:

\[ \begin{aligned} s_{\infty}(V_{pre} &= \frac{1}{1 + e^{-35 - V_{pre}/5}} \\ \tau_{s} &= \frac{1 - s_{\infty}(V_{pre}}{1/40} \end{aligned}\]

We will start by declaring a primitive, ExtrinsicPotential, which represents a voltage coming from an outside source (in this case, a presynaptic neuron).

Vₓ = ExtrinsicPotential()

Next, we define a Gate and indicate that our kinetic equations have the form SteadyStateTau.

syn∞ = 1/(1 + exp((-35 - Vₓ)/5))
τsyn = (1 - syn∞)/(1/40)
syn_kinetics = Gate(SteadyStateTau, syn∞, τsyn, name = :z)

We'll then build a SynapticChannel and define an equilibrium potential.

EGlut = Equilibrium(Cation, 0mV, name = :Glut)
@named Glut = SynapticChannel(IntegratedSynapse(), Cation, [syn_kinetics]; max_s = 30nS);

Given our two neurons and a synaptic channel, we can model a miniature circuit by defining a synapse between the neurons and then constructing a NeuronalNetworkSystem:

topology = NetworkTopology([neuron1, neuron2], [Glut]);
topology[neuron1, neuron2] = Glut(30nS)
reversal_map = Dict([Glut => EGlut])

@named net = NeuronalNetworkSystem(topology, reversal_map)

Now we're ready to run our simulation.

total_time = 250
sim = Simulation(net, total_time*ms)
solution = solve(sim, Rosenbrock23())
plot(solution, idxs=[neuron1.Vₘ, neuron2.Vₘ])